Biblical Femininity

Here is a page all about Biblical Femininity and Biblical Masculinity. I will post my own writing on this page as well as other articles that have interested me. Please feel free to leave comments and send me articles to post.

Be sure to click the link below for a great article posted on For some great tips, advice and resources on homemaking check out this fabulous read!

Homemaking on Purpose

May God bless you all!

Posted October 28, 2011


Here is an interesting article by Kimberly Wagner over at the blog. She talks about how Biblical masculinity seems to be under attack lately and what we as Biblical women can do. ...

"For my own mental and spiritual health, I gave up prime time TV years ago. But when I ran across an article touting “A New Generation of TV Wimps,” I had to check it out. It’s hard not to notice a cultural shift in the way men are portrayed these days. We’ve come a long way since men like my Grandmother’s hero, Matt Dillon (the marshal from Gunsmoke), who protected Dodge from any ne’er-do-well.

"In previous generations, the common male stereotypes in the media were wise (Father Knows Best), dependable (“Pa” from Little House on the Prairie), and provided strong leadership (Captain Jean-Luc Picard who could tackle any mission in space).

"According to the article I read there are at least a half-dozen sitcoms coming this fall that center on lead male characters struggling with the changing dynamics of men as they relate to the successful women surrounding them. According to one executive producer, “Manliness is under assault.” Apparently today’s men in the media are seen as inept buffoons and fearful wimps in need of mothers. The accomplished women they’ve married (for some unknown reason) put up with these immature sluggards and the conflicts which ensue from this pairing are the basis for entertainment.

"If art reflects culture, then we’re in need of a True Man Revolution. If art shapes culture, then we’re in need of some men exhibiting true masculinity to counter what Hollywood is pumping out.

"Why does this matter? God has purpose in His creation of male and female. He didn’t create genderless beings. Masculinity is tied to God’s ordained role and responsibility for men. When masculinity is denigrated, it mocks God’s purpose in man’s creation.

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them” (Gen. 1:27).

"So what can you and I do? I may not be able to produce a powerful media piece which will counteract the damage of today’s media trends, but here are a few things I can do:

-Intentionally encourage the men around me as I see them striving to live out biblical manhood in a culture that views men as a joke.

-Determine to be a change-agent in female conversations when man-bashing starts by reversing the negative and encouraging women to be supportive of their man.

-Never demean men (husbands, sons, brothers, or co-workers) privately or publicly!

-Provide masculine role models for your sons or young men in your sphere of influence.

-Read good resources which promote biblical manhood and womanhood. Educate yourself in order to protect your heart and mind from the culture’s relentless unisex noise. (I’m thankful for the work being done by groups like The Council on Biblical Womanhood and Manhood as well as resources such as: A Guide to Biblical Manhood and What’s the Difference? which promote biblical masculinity.)


May God bless you all!

Posted September 24, 2011


Hi all! I just wanted to post an update about my Women of God post back in July.

I currently did switch my major to a Liberal Arts degree so that I could focus more on some English Studies. I also realized that there is too much that I don't agree with in Women's Studies that I probably just needed to switch. Anyways, I still have a concentration in that field because of the many courses I took, but I am glad to have taken those courses. It shows me just how much we, as women of God, need to help the feminists return to true femininity and offer compassion and love to them. (Not to their teaching, but to them as individuals.) So my stance is still the same when I say that they are not the true enemies.

Thank you for all of your amazing comments on the issue at hand and I encourage you all to step out in faith and offer some truth, love and kindness to those who have been decieved by feminism.

May God bless you all!

Posted August 28, 2011


There's something so  inherently lovely about being a godly young woman. Something so precious and beautiful in God's sight, that unless you truly understand what His calling is for women, you will never fathom the purpose of what being a godly woman is all about.

True femininity is something that I have been seeking more these days as my walk with the Lord continuously becomes more intimate. I have begun to see the real purpose in which God created woman; and I must say that it is absolutely breath taking! I long to always be the godly woman the God has created me to be.

This topic of femininity is something that has become even closer to my own heart because I am a Women's Studies major at school. ... Say what?!

No I am NOT a feminist, so why Women’s Studies? Simple. Because feminists talk about topics that I am passionate about. And if I want to make any sort of a difference against the feminist ideas in our society today then I plan on knowing how to teach women the right way and point them towards the truth; God’s truth!

After I decided that I was going to pursue a Women’s Studies major I questioned myself on this about 14 million times. I still find myself questioning this decision. But you know what? I have a longing to correct our society on its feminist ideas. What better way than to show people I actually took the time to listen to what feminism had to say?

You want to know what else brought me to Women's studies? The women who run that department (who by the way all claimn to be feminists) are such caring individuals I was intrigued by their own passion for women.
Believe it or not feminists today are (in a weird but similar fashion) trying to empower women to become all that they can be. They are just going about it the wrong way. They have been decieved as to what true femininity is and thus have strayed off the path that God chose for women. I know this because I have met many feminists at my college who are sincere, sweet, and genuine people! They are compassionate, helpful and kind. They have just been decieved. This helped me to realize something very important; feminists are not the enemy. They have just believed the enemy.

I don't agree with more than half of what feminists say; in fact some of the things they teach absolutely horrify me. However I now see just how easily our culture embraces even little aspects of what feminists have taught.

But in the hearts of all the feminists I met so far, I do see something that strikes me as peculiar. They too have a longing to be feminine in the way God created women to be. They might not see it and they might even deny it, but I see it. Sometimes you have to look closely at what they say and how they approach certain topics, but they actually are wanting to embrace their own femininity.

Women are compassionate creatures. God has made us this way. Unfortunately if we are led astray then we can use our compassion for things that are not what God wants, but the compassion is still there.

As a godly young woman I long to correct these beautiful women, who were also made in the image of God, and show them the truth that will set them free. If that means I have to listen to them first then I will. It is by God's grace that I have been able to see the truth at such a young age in my life and I would love for the women who have embraced the feminist agenda to experience the grace God has for them too.

I'm not saying we are to become feminists nor am I saying that feminists have the right idea. I am saying that we have a duty to show the world the truth and point them to Jesus Christ. It is Jesus who can show us what being a real woman is all about. He holds the answer to true femininity.

Ladies, we are children of God and as such we need to be the light of the world. Let's shine our lights of true femininity to those who have gone astray and show them that Jesus Christ is what their hearts are searching for.

We all know the parable of the prodigal son; this parable also applies to the prodigal daughter.

May God bless you all!

Posted July 16, 2011