Wednesday, December 14, 2011

His faithfulness

Finals are now over and I have time to actually post on this blog! I meant to post earlier but kept getting distracted and never got around to it until today. I'm just glad to be able to share something with you all now that really gave me insight and blessing after I read it.

Psalm 91 is one of my favorite Psalms throughtout all five books. It talks of God's watchfulness and grace upon those who make Him their dwelling.

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty Psalm 91:1

Our God saves; He takes care of His children and asks that they trust in Him. Trusting God is so crucial in our walk with Him and it's something that He's helping me to undertsand more and more. Proverbs 3:5-6 has become a great help for me in all areas of my life. The revelation given in those two verses are worth meditating on.

Psalm 91 has always been a comofort as well, especially when I'm dealing with fear. I see His goodness displayed verse after verse and just recently when I read that Psalm, I was given new insight and felt myself drawn to verse 4. Two words came alive to me: "His faithfulness." What about His faithfulness?

His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart

Did you get that? If you're like me then you probably read over that verse lots of times without actually comprehending those words. I've believed the lie that my worrying, my well laid plans and routines have actually benefited me and kept trouble from happening. But that's just not true. Have you believed the lie that worrying will actually prevent things from happening? If you have I hope that you ask God to illuminate verse 4 in Psalm 91 next time you read it.

His faithfulness is what keeps me safe. His faithfulness is my shield and rampart! Not my worrying or well laid plans. I also know that if anything ever did happen to me or my family and friends, it's His faithfulness that will get us all through and protect everyone. How amazing is that?!

Now don't get me wrong, we will have trouble in this world. Our world is broken and in desperate need of saving so it's only likely that trouble will occur at some point or another. But knowing that His faithfulness is what protects me and is my shield and rampart gives me great assurance and comfort.

We serve an amazing God who is faithful. He gives us all that we need and loves us with a love that none of us can comphrehend. So whether or not trouble comes along in the form of financial trouble, a rude co-worker, persecution or a time of loss and sadness, know that He is faithful and will always be your shield. Just like a shepard leading his sheep, so our Lord is our great Shepard Who goes ahead of us and watches out for our safety. And no matter what, He will never leave us nor forsake us. (Hebrews 13:5)

Thank you Heavenly Father for your faithfulness!

Happy Advent season and Merry Christmas!

May God bless you all!


Trish said...

Wow although this will take time for me to learn how to do this.To try and learn to use all the ingredients here,on how not to be anxious.You see i am awaiting on results for a biopsy.and i have not been able to get my mind on nothing else but awaiting the torment of the results..I am fully convinced it is God talking to me that this link was sent to me.Because
God is aware the torment my mind is going through.So Gretchen i do want to thank you again for sending me this link to this page.I am really trying to take it all in.and do exactly what it saids to do.In order that my mind does not over rule me.But boy is it ever so hard.
Much Love in Christ

Trish said...

i just wanted to apologize i meant to leave this comment above at the subject of anxiety but instead i ended up putting it under his faithfulness. so anyway my comment will be published twice so for that i do want to apologize.

Much love in Christ